Saturday, April 17, 2010

forgetful me

You want to know something? I always forget my password! ALWAYS. Urg!

Tak kira la password email ke, password bank ke, password facebook ke, or even worst this blog's password. Baru je buat terus lupa password! Boleh imagine tak? Not even 10 minutes pun blog baru ni publish, aku dah lupa password dia! My bad my bad!

Selalu sangat lupa password. Padahal aku letak password yg similar je kat semua password aku. Kalau tak terbalik kan, aku tambah nombor je. Hehe. Weird kan? Memang sangat pelupa aku nih. Makan kepala ikan banyak sangat kot. Hehe.

Baru baru ni aku lupa lagi. Again! Huhu. But this time, effect dia teruk lagi. Password Maybank for my online shopping. This is where i purchase my skype credit! Urg benggangnyaaa!!! :(

I tried twice and dorang terus BLOCK my account. Bagi la chance tiga kali ke. Betul tak? No more online shopping! Sedih wehh! Tak boleh beli skype credit online dah. Kena beli kat walmart je lepas ni.

When these things happened, I always wants my alphabets to be around me. Huhu. Kalau time diploma, dorang la tolong ingatkan password aku. Password bank islam. Kalau tak, tak dapat la nak makan kat kandang. Haha. Thanks eh Jib. Nanti aku bawak balik hadiah untuk kau! All the way from Athens. Cewaahhhhh. :D

So, I think I need to write down all my password dalam buku kecik tapi tebal beli kat cvs ni so I'll never forget any passwords with no reason unless buku ni hilang. Please don't or I'm dead! Haha. Or or.. message my alphabets all my password?? Yeah that's a good one! Hahahaha :)

Rindu mereka.


faezah said...

hi L :) hahaha. finallyyy! mmg berusaha pasti jayaaaa.

sila bgtau password ape je kau tak lupa? hahah. lepas tu pening2 kat rumah apa eh korang password aku. hahah. :D it is soooo you.

oh oh. rindu la kat kau ling. cepat la blk. aku dan mereka merindui kau. rindu rindu aduh sayang merindu. haha.

sikit hari je lagi kan? kejap je eh. nnt boley la kau bercerita face to face sambil dgr background music dr mulut kau. zek zek zek. hahah oh i miss that part!

u take care dear.
sabar2. sekejap je lagi.
love u. :)

Intan Syazlin said...

auwww so sweet of you. ok lagi 23 hari je lagi. miss u more!! hehe

tulah pasal password ni, haihh. pening2 lalat aku. hahaha.

Iqbal Ikhwandy said...

zek zek zek..
mcm lagu ape tah dlu tu..
ze ze ze.. ze ze ze ze..